frequently asked questions

We at Finclude, through our extensive experience in digital financial services businesses, help you tackle your challenges and answer the following questions.

What is the recruitment process?

Candidates who are directly applying for positions at the Finclude website or applying by dropping their CVs at [email protected] will be considered for further evaluations under the recruitment process. This recruitment process will consist of the following 5-6 stages;

  • Phone Screening
  • Shortlisting
  • Interviewing
  • Offer letter and contract signing
  • Onboarding
Are there any benefits to doing referrals for Finclude?

If your referred candidate gets selected, then you will be eligible to have a referral bonus which will be between PKR 15,000-PKR 30,000/hire, depending upon the salary of the hired candidate.

How do recruitment agencies work?

Recruitment agencies bridge the gap between employers and employees. They identify top talent, evaluate them, match them against the open positions, screen and shortlist the candidates for job vacancies, and finally present the top candidates to clients for an interview and help them fill their positions on time.

What are the advantages of recruitment agencies?

Recruitment agencies not only ease and smooth the hiring process of a business but also increase the ability to meet with high-quality candidates with the relevant skill and expertise in your sector within a short span of time.

What is your main USP compared to the competitors?

We are Pakistan’s pioneer FinTech-specialized recruitment agency having an applicant database of more than 25,000 candidates. Till today we have enabled 500+ career transitions within the fintech domain not just in Pakistan but also in the MENA region and changed the traditional recruitment process with ultra-modern hiring practices.

What do you think is the best thing about opting for your services?

For Employers:
We are fintech specialist recruiters serving the fintech industry for the past 5+ years. Finclude is a specialist (fin)tech recruitment company built by engineers. Team Fincude has a front-line experience in product, engineering, and commercial functions, so we know how challenging it is to build the right teams. Our recruiters can code and talk with the technical resources in their technical language.
For Candidates:
The best thing is our highly qualified team, which is immersed in knowledge in the FinTech space. They will facilitate you along the journey, guiding you each step of the way. We wouldn’t just provide you with an amazing hiring experience but also facilitate you to excel in your professional career.

What is the difference between a full-time, employer on record, and talent as service recruitment?

Full-Time Employee:
Full-Time Employee (FTE) is on the permanent payroll of the company for which Finclude is hiring and will be a full-time employee of that company with all the perks and benefits entitled to him that the company is offering.

Employer on Record:
An employer on record (EoR) is a third-party organization that takes full responsibility as the full legal employer of the workforce on behalf of the client.

Talent as a Service:
When you are running a business and don’t have the time to hire new employees, you can outsource your hiring process. This is called Talent as a Service Recruitment or Business process outsourcing (BPO).

What is your recruitment agency fee structure?

Our recruitment services fee varies depending on the client’s hiring needs, position type, and the engagement they need from us.
We roughly charge between 100% – 125% of the gross monthly salary of the selected candidate. We offer competitively priced bespoke recruitment solutions. For more information on our commercial pricing proposal, please contact us at [email protected]

What services does Finclude offer to clients?

We provide our services in the following areas:

  • Staffing & Retention
  • Career Navigation and Training
  • Story Boarding
  • Grant Proposal Writing
  • Bespoke Consulting
What do you do for the personal and/or professional growth of employees?

Finclude believes in creating genuinely inclusive, healthy, and creative workspaces for its employees’ personal & professional growth. We believe that for the success of FinTech teams, it is essential to adopt synergistic team-building practices in shared environments where employees feel valued and safe, and their skills are actualized.

What does a Recruitment Consultant do?

The role of a recruitment consultant is to guide you through the process of getting hired first. He primarily placed the right professional into the right job, winning new business and ensuring long-term working relationships with existing clients and candidates. He acts as a link between companies and potential candidates.

What is your ideal candidate, and to what extent do you see me in it?

An ideal candidate is the right mix of skills, domain knowledge, and attitude. Focus on your skills, personality, or personal traits that make you unique and the best fit for the job.

What are the most important soft skills for this sector?

The most important soft skills required in the FinTech industry are Problem-Solving, Communication, Analytical Thinking, and Industrial Adaptability.

Where will I fit in the fintech sector?

The FinTech industry requires an understanding of both financial services and technology. The in-demand skills have to be more technology than finance. If you are eager to grow your career in the FinTech sector, below are some of the top skills that are currently in demand for the FinTech industry that businesses look for in a potential hire

  • Digital Banking
  • Programming Skills
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Cybersecurity Skills
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Test Automation
  • Data Science
Can I already connect with colleagues before the application process?

Yes, you can connect with them by getting them added to your social media network like LinkedIn / Twitter / Facebook, or we can also help you in getting connected with them. We also guide and help you in knowing about the company culture, environment, and the kind of benefits they are offering to retain and nurture their employees.

What personal data do you share with potential employers?

The candidate’s resume is shared with the employer to evaluate his/her skills and experience. Once the candidate gets selected and accepts the offer letter, we also share the academic record, experience certificates, CNIC & last three months’ salary slips, or income proof.

Can I control where you send my resume?

Yes, you can. We will let you know about the company where we are going to place you, and once you agree, only then will we be submitting your resume to them.

Who can access the personal data that I provide?

Only the Finclude team has access to the personal data you provide for your evaluation and possible placement in the right position. To our clients, we will only be sharing your resume until you get selected. Then after selection, your document will also be shared with them.

What happens after I submit my resume to your website?

We review your application for the positions that are available and currently open and process your submission through an applicant tracking system to place you in the right place.

How often should I follow up with you after I apply?

Our recruiter normally takes 4-5 business days to evaluate the candidates, and once he/she takes action on your application and moves you to the next stage, you will be notified via email. In case you didn’t get any notification within two weeks of your application, you can contact our recruitment team by sending an email to [email protected] to know where your application stands.

Can I apply for more than one job?

Yes, you can apply for multiple jobs, and we will evaluate your skills and experiences to place you in the best-fit position.

How do I apply for a job?

You can apply via by filling in your specifications or alternatively apply by emailing your resume to [email protected], mentioning the “Position Title” and “City” in the Subject line. We will match you with an employer as we get relevant openings.

Do I have to be actively seeking a new job to sign up?

No, you can sign up and submit your resume for possible position openings more relevant to you. We will connect with you when a relevant position comes to check if you are interested

What services does Finclude offer to candidates?

Finclude offers the following services to the candidates:

  • Job hunting (New job searching, career transition)
  • Resume & LinkedIn profile building
  • Interview Preparation
  • Career Counseling
  • Fintech training
If I start working for a company can I still be in touch with Finclude?

Yes, you can stay in touch with Finclude for career guidance, future career transitions, consultancy, or training programs. Our recruitment team would love to keep in touch with you and assist you in your future career needs.

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    Finclude excels at providing the best fintech recruitment solution possible, and start a conversation to see how we can help.