Build a Technical Team with FinTech Recruitment Specialists

Finclude accelerates financial services innovation, helping fintech entrepreneurs with talent, product, and market solutions.

I Want to Hire Talent

Process Banner Image

Our Guiding Principles

As the digitization of financial services progresses and impacts new industries, its large-scale adoption will depend on shared ecosystems, innovation leadership, and diversity in its true sense.



We believe that a financial services institution looking at digitization of its services needs to invest in talent build seeking the right mix of the workforce across different work backgrounds, gender, and physical abilities. Only then would they be able to offer products and services which would appeal to the more significant segment of society and reach an audience that has not been included in the use of financial services.

Shared Ecosystem

Shared Ecosystem

Digital financial services will meet its true potential when large-scale incumbents allow the digital natives to assist them expand the market. Commercial, technological or regulatory barriers protecting the the incumbents maintaining a dominance would limit the scale at which mainstream digital financial services can impact larger segments of society.

Innovation Leadership

Innovation Leadership

Talent is the key pivot in the quest for innovation leadership. While technology can provide a short term advantage, the sustainable progression as an innovation leader needs constant investment in people and promoting a culture of innovative risk taking. One company or organization cannot have all the talent so collaborative partnership should target the large scale change and lead the innovation.

Process Growing

Fintech is growing exponentially. Are you geared up to join the boom?

Fintech startups and digital transformation companies are reimagining expansions with increased digitization, penetration, and cheaper technology. Banks and other financial institutions are challenged to keep up with the change in tomorrow’s fintech industry.

Finclude provide solutions and creates processes for fintech institutions to have an opportunity to grow by facilitating shared participation.We believe in building a shared ecosystem that will grow by facilitating collaborative participation by the incumbent banks and fintech.

Missing Leader image

Find the Missing Leader

Are you looking for a Technical Co-founder for your Startup? Or do you need a Country Manager for international scaling? Here’s how we do it:

step 1

Step 01

Client Shares the vision, strategy and the leadership gap.

step 2

Step 02

Map the journey of the leader with product revenues and investment milestones.

step 1

Step 03

Identify the right mix of Technical competence, team management, international work exposure experience.

step 1

Step 04

Build the Job Description and get validation for compensation plans and budget negotiation.

step 1

Step 05

Recommend the remuneration structure including cash, deferred benefits, stock ownership and/or vesting period alongside other benefits.

step 1

Step 06

Bespoke talent search with introductory meeting(s) with prospective candidates.

step 1

Step 07

Finally, we prepare the candidate’s commercial offer and detailed employment contract.

Commercial Engagement to Build the Best Team

Briefing and Evaluation
  1. Understanding our client’s business, product roadmap, profitability journey and team-building efforts.
  2. Understanding the short-term and medium-term objectives of the new teams.
  3. Reviewing the job requirements with a clear understanding of must-have and good-to-have skills.
  4. Understanding the company benefits and cash compensation budget to draw out a total compensation plan.
  5. Understanding the hiring timelines, interview steps, and interviewing preferences for online or in-person interviews.

Briefing and Evaluation

Commercial Outreach
  1. Recommend the most workable commercial plan in the form of a quotation identifying all the terms.

Engagement Contracting
  1. A written agreement on the quote is followed by the Master Services Agreement detailing the engagement modalities.

Shortlisting and Offering
  1. Kick-off call is scheduled by the assigned recruitment manager, outlining the talent outreach and screening strategy.
  2. Employers are presented with a curated batch of 4-5 shortlisted candidates for interviews.
  3. Navigating the selection process with the employer, from shortlisting to selection and candidate acceptance. 
  4. Getting the customer’s signoff on completion and maintaining constant engagement with Account Managers to build a support process.

Deep Industrial & Functional Knowledge

We combine deep industry and functional knowledge with a proven executive search and assessment process with helping you find leaders who best fit your organization’s unique needs and will have a lasting impact.

Get A Quote

The Best Team Consists of Talented Individuals

We focus on the individual capabilities of each candidate and carefully vet applicants that can produce the highest value in a given roll. To choose the right blend for team building, Finclude has created a proprietary technical scoring process.


Gauging practical implementation of engineering and finance concepts to determine whether a candidate has a solution-oriented approach and understands work breakdown structures


Validating the skill readiness for a candidate’s transition and the likelihood of success in the interviewed job role.


 Candidate’s ability to articulate the technical solution proposed to their line managers, peers, and direct supervisors.

Career Path

Rationalizing the candidate’s decision to change employment with their ability to connect the dots and communicate the larger picture.

Technical Scoring

A comprehensive assessment based on a 15-20 minute technical shortlisting interview establishes a skill-job fit. The interview process targets the candidate’s measure of technical competence in individual and team setting roles and their ability to understand and make career decisions to ensure continued career progression.

Talented Individuals

Individually, We are one drop – Together, we are an ocean.

~ Ryunosuke Satoro

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